Offers, Appointment Based Booking, & Go Anytime Offers
How do Offers work?
When you get an Offer notification, review the inspection details and decide whether it's right for you. Offers inspections are vacant properties with access instructions, which allows for flexible scheduling straight from the Inspectify app.
You'll receive a push notification for Offers in your area as they become available.
You'll also see a notification badge on the Inspectify app icon if you have an Offer that has yet to be viewed.
To be alerted of new Offers quickly, check your settings to ensure you have push notifications turned on for the Inspectify app.
Offers tab in the app
The Offers tab is where you can view any available offers.
You can tap on the offer to see more details. Each will have one of three statuses:
- Available: These Offers are available to be scheduled.
- Expired: These Offers were sent out and not accepted within the time limit.
- Unavailable: The offer has been accepted by another inspector.
Offer details
The job details page displays the Offer so you can decide whether it’s suitable for you before scheduling.
A map displays your office location in relation to the general location of the inspection. You'll receive the access instructions after accepting the Offer.
Tap the appropriate button at the bottom of the screen to claim the selected Offer.
Note: you do not have to schedule a date/time for Offers at vacant properties and will just need to complete the inspection at your convenience by the specified due date.
You may receive an Offer that includes more than one inspection.
We call these types of Offers “Bundles.”
Just as with single inspections, review the details for each inspection in the Bundle and simply accept or decline the inspections.
After accepting, you’ll be taken to a summary of the inspections and then each inspection will appear individually, as usual, in your Upcoming tab.
Additional information about Offers
Offers are sent to Inspectify inspectors that have the property address within their service area.
Notifications will be sent between the hours of 8:00am and 8:00pm. You will have 10 minutes to accept or decline the Offer before it is sent to another inspector, but you will still be able to accept the offer after it has been sent to another inspector.
You will also be able to accept Offers for “Appointment” inspections in addition to “Go Anytime” inspections. “Appointment” in this case means that the property needs to be inspected at a specific time or within a specific range of times set by the customer versus a “Go Anytime” inspection for a property that is vacant with access information provided.
Offer notifications will look the same and like Go Anytime Offers, the “Inspect by” date shown is the last available day the inspection can be scheduled based on availabilities provided by the customer. Additionally, you’ll now see an indicator on each Offer in the New Jobs tab that shows if the inspection is by “Appointment” or “Go Anytime.”
In the Job Details page we’ve added an “Inspect window” section so you can confirm whether the Offer is Appointment or Go Anytime. If the Offer is Appointment, instead of seeing a button for “Accept” you’ll see a “Select Date & Time” button which will take you to the scheduling page.
On the Scheduling Inspections page you’ll select the date and time you’d like to do the inspection. We will only display available times based upon the availability provided by the customer so any selectable date and time will work. Once selected, tap “Accept job.”
After tapping “Accept job” you’ll be taken to the Confirmation page which displays the scheduled inspection information. You can tap on the inspection to open the details or return to your Upcoming Offers tab.